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Remembering Richard Shoemaker

Leroy Haskins
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I am proud to have known UAW/GM Vice President Richard Shoemaker for many years. Richard has been the best Vice President to serve its members under the CCA division. One moment that stands out was in 2004, the CCA Division had several plants that had not received a new local agreement. Richard Shoemaker came into our Subcouncil #1 meeting and told all the Chairmen that General Motors will not receive a National Agreement until all the CCA plants agree to their local agreements. We felt that he was supportive with our concerns and he received an overwhelming applause. Several days later, the UAW International Union staff came into the Willow Run CCA facility, stood beside, and was supported with our demands and forced General Motors to accept our concerns. We really appreciated on how Richard pledged to help us at our facility and in our division. Richard Shoemaker was a good UAW leader and he will be sadly missed.



                                                                                                Leroy Haskins – Shop Chairman