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Willow Run Unit Meetings

Our Willow Run CCA unit meetings are held every 3rd Sunday. Please look at our Local union board for specific times and location...

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News and Information

The Willow Run CCA Education Committee will help host the UAW Region 1A Online union courses.

The committee will help conduct web-base / online union courses in conjunction with Region 1A...

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News and Information

UAW President Shawn Fain Holding Facebook Live at 7 p.m. ET on the Fight for Good U.S. Jobs at Stellantis

DETROIT – UAW President Shawn Fain will address the UAW membership on Facebook Live at 7 p.m. ET tonight...

Read More UAW President Shawn Fain Holding Facebook Live at 7 p.m. ET on the Fight for Good U.S. Jobs at Stellantis


News and Information

UAW Women's Breakfast Speakers Remind Us: "We Are Responsible for One Another"

Photo by Jessie Jesson, UAW Local 686

About 500 UAW CAP Conference men and women gathered on Wednesday for a breakfast meeting that celebrated women and reminded everyone why this is a pivotal time. 2018 UAW Community Action Program (CAP) Conference on Wednesday.

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News and Information

Rep. Norma J. Torres: Be a vehicle for democracy

“Our democracy, the rule of law and institutions that we depend on are under attack. Your vigilance and passion are the most important tools we have to fight back — every single one of you here today,” said U.S. Congresswoman Norma J.

Read More Rep. Norma J. Torres: Be a vehicle for democracy
News and Information

Panelists Discuss How to Connect with Voters in Trump Era

Reconnecting with voters, rebuilding the infrastructure to elect labor friendly candidates, and concentrating on state and local offices are just some of the ways to fight back against the corporate control of our government, according to panelists at the 2018 UAW Community Action Program (CAP) C

Read More Panelists Discuss How to Connect with Voters in Trump Era
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UAW Members to Concentrate on Four Issues in 2018

When Republicans took complete control of the government in 2016, most union members understood that workers would take a hit, but we underestimated just how bad it would be, the UAW’s chief lobbyist told political activists Monday.

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News and Information

Statement from UAW Vice President Cindy Estrada on Average $11,750 Profit Sharing Per Member

“Today’s General Motors profit sharing, established under the 2015 contract negotiations, recognizes that UAW GM members’ hard work is an essential part of General Motors sales and profits. UAW members at GM negotiated a well-deserved share in the profits of their hard work and sacrifice.”

Read More Statement from UAW Vice President Cindy Estrada on Average $11,750 Profit Sharing Per Member
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Congresswoman Brenda Lawrence makes a fierce plea: Stand and fight; take back our America

“I grew up knowing that if you went to an auto plant you would instantly be in the middle class, because the UAW fought for workers to earn wages that would help them support their families, send their children to college and make a difference in their communities,” Congresswoman Brenda Lawrence

Read More Congresswoman Brenda Lawrence makes a fierce plea: Stand and fight; take back our America