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Willow Run Unit Meetings

Our Willow Run CCA unit meetings are held every 3rd Sunday. Please look at our Local union board for specific times and location...

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News and Information

The Willow Run CCA Education Committee will help host the UAW Region 1A Online union courses.

The committee will help conduct web-base / online union courses in conjunction with Region 1A...

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News and Information

UAW Releases New Political Video on Corporate Price Gouging

Today, the UAW released a new political video highlighting the corporate greed and price gouging behind the surging cost of basic needs...

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News and Information

Statement from UAW Vice President Terry Dittes Director of the General Motors Department on Investments at GM Romulus GPS and GM Bedford Casting Operations

Detroit - Today’s investment by General Motors in the Romulus GPS and GM Bedford Casting Operations recognizes the world class production of engines and engine components by UAW members. By investing over $100 million dollars, GM has made a commitment to the work and jobs that benefit UAW members, their families and communities in Romulus and Bedford.

Read More Statement from UAW Vice President Terry Dittes Director of the General Motors Department on Investments at GM Romulus GPS and GM Bedford Casting Operations